Monday, 30 December 2013


There are many components that make up a human being. Each component has within it further divisions. This slide explores the component called ‘mind’ and expounds its divisions.

For this subject we will have MY Mind which contains the three minds. MY Mind is one unit that is divided into three minds, the Body, Ego and Wisdom minds. The Body and Ego minds are the primary controllers of our life. The Wisdom mind is the source of great inspiration and intuition. This is the mind in which resides your conscience and better judgment. As you can see with a little reflection, this mind does not speak very loudly and can be unheard from for extended periods of time. With the body and ego minds battling for control, we have a hidden pull in two directions which cause inner conflicts. The weakness of the central ‘I’ allows for the other minds to drown out and rule over the wisdom mind. The central ‘I’ and the wisdom mind are closely connected.

The more fragmented I am, the weaker MY Mind is because it is dispersing a lot of energy between more fragments as well more inner conflict and more negative emotions which cause a greater drain of energy on MY Mind. The other minds will thus be able to control your life rather than your Mind.

Each mind has preferences, fears, likes and dislikes. For example, even though there is something you enjoy or love, if your ego or body has a fear of it, they will create a reaction that will be able to be used as an excuse not to do it. The confusion is that you want to do it so you don’t understand why you would have a fear or would come up with an excuse to get out of doing it. That is because it is a different part of your being that is resisting and can do so because it has its own mind. The Body’s mind will be based on self-preservation, seek pleasure, avoid pain.

Anything that could be considered possibly dangerous, painful or life threatening, will cause a fear reaction. This could result in an adrenaline rush to get out of danger. You may enjoy the feeling but your body is in a panic! It will draw you to seek physical pleasures even though you know that they may cause you trouble in other aspects of your life. The body does not care about your emotions or job, it only cares about itself. Emotions and responsibilities are part of the ego. The Body is quite simple to predict, and you can easily see what you want and where it is coming from.
 That strong desire for ice cream or to call in sick from work because it is a great day to play outside, alternatively to feel too tired to take on a large physical task and so avoid it for another day, all come from the body mind. The Ego/Personality will try to preserve itself in the eyes of other people, based on its programming of what matters, religion, status, etc. It will avoid the pain of humiliation by refusing to accept responsibly for mistakes and thus admitting to your errors. It will show off, talk big, try to run a conversation in a group, or conversely if you have low self-esteem, it will prevent you from speaking up even though you know what you have to say is very important, valuable and correct. This mind rules your actions based on its formation which is your personality and
character. When I was learning to fly, the first time I approached a solitary puffy cloud, my
body began to tense up with fear. My eyes reported that I was about to fly into a solid object, no matter how convincingly logic announced it was only mist. The closer I came to the cloud, the more my body tensed. Finally I sailed into and out of the cloud—an act that on its own banished the fear. Since then, I have flown effortlessly through many clouds.

Knowledge plays no part in mastering these irrational fears, since although the intellect of the Ego mind may know there is no cause for panic, the body has a mind of its own and deals with what it sees. Our only course is to carry on and let direct experience prove the truth of certainty. Significant progress in life hinges on willpower, which is developed by confronting fears and dislikes—the rational as well as the irrational ones. Convincing ourselves that these are signs of impending danger when they are not will only further debilitate us. Instead, we must learn to face them one by one.

On the other hand, if we are doing some physical activity, perhaps playing badminton, and your knee starts to hurt, then it is time to stop. The ego may want to finish the game, but the body is saying it is time to stop. Ignoring the Body when it is speaking clearly results in disaster. There is a saying on the ski slopes, your biggest fall will be on the last run. That is because your body is tired but your ego
wants to keep on going.  These are just obvious examples to give you an idea of how our minds conflict and how we can get them into proper functioning so that MY Mind can rule MY Life. As we put the Ego and Body minds into place by directing them and listening to them appropriately, the conflicts between them reduce, allowing a quieter Mind (the larger MIND that contains the lesser minds) which permits the Wisdom mind to be heard more often.

Look at any decision that must be made and determine which mind is speaking, then what do YOU want, and then enforce your superiority. Don’t let the horse take the rider, grab the reigns and direct your minds.

ü  Body and mind require energy.
ü  They are tied and independent of each other at the same time.
ü  The body’s energy level effects the ability of the mind to concentrate and accomplish tasks.
ü  The mind’s energy level, or mood, effects the body’s energy and its ability to function.
ü  The interaction of these two, mind and body, are important to Understand so that you don’t get confused.

There are different types of energy. One is natural and the other is chemical, food and such. The ego mind must be rid of negative moods and thoughts for its energy to be strong for the body to function properly. The ego mind can be tired and think the body is sleepy due to reading something that is hard to understand or terribly boring, so it is expressed in the body wanting sleep, yet a change in subjects or activities will show that there is no need for sleep. The body still has its own energy even if the ego mind is tired. These are apparent (illusionary) lack of energy rather than a real lack.

Find the cause of your mood or lack of energy and correct it so you have energy to do what you want, or even to know what you want. Your personal interests will determine which mind draws your interest. If you are a sports person or want to understand the physical aspects of being human and the body, you will focus on the body mind. If you are a therapist or interested in psychology, anyone interested in understanding the ego and personality, then you should focus on the ego mind.

If you are interested in going beyond those, questioning that there must be more to life, it is not just to be born, live and die, that there is something beyond just who I think I am that makes me what I am, then you must study all three minds. The answers to these questions lie in the wisdom mind, but the wisdom mind is buried and hidden under the ego and body minds.

The body mind is the animal nature which is purely instinctive. That mind will have its own thoughts and desires and feelings which cannot be changed. The wisdom mind likewise has its own thoughts and feelings and also cannot be changed. However the ego mind is a purely programmed and learnt mind. Everything about the ego mind is a distortion of something that has been taught to us. The
conventions of our accent, language, religion, culture and even our personal beliefs based on our idols in movies and music etc. are all adopted. The ego mind is completely learnt and programmed by both our own and other peoples thoughts and desires.

Our thoughts and desires are based on what we have seen in other people. Other peoples thoughts are based on what they have been programmed with, going back through time. It is an exponential calculation of how distorted our ego mind is with all the things it believes in and lives for. Our entire life is ruled by the ego mind which is a poorly created being through errors in programming and misconceptions. By studying its nature, we can cultivate and learn about the body mind. Although we can study the body mind easily enough, we must also understand the power the ego mind has in its ability to effect the body mind. For example, the will power to do more than we think we have the energy to do is the power of the ego mind controlling the body mind. In order to learn about each one correctly, it is important to differentiate between the thoughts of the body and ego minds since the ego mind can impersonate body mind thoughts with the use of buffers and self lying.
To learn about the wisdom mind we must break through the inhibiting factors of the ego mind because the ego mind is a barrier to the wisdom mind through the subjects discussed in this study.

If You Can

If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, or, being about, don’t give way to hating, And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise;
If you can dream and not make dreams your master;
If you can think and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat those two imposters just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, or, watch the things you gave your life to broken, And stoop and build them up with worn out tools;
If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss, And never breath a world about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the Will which says to them: “Hold on”;
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, or walk with kings-nor lose the common touch;
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty second worth of distance run-
Yours is earth and everything that’s in it, And – which is more – you will be a Man my son!!!

                                                                                                                           -Rudyard Kipling.


In1887 an experiment conducted by Albert Michelson and Edward Morley suggest that no medium is necessary for the propagation of light and the presence ether medium or space matter is false. The present day belief about the light propagation is by means of perpendicular oscillations of electric field and magnetic field, which proposed by Maxwell. In this write up we can come across suitable concepts and illustrations that confirm the existence of space matter. This write up is divided into four sections:

1}Exploring Electric field and magnetic field.
              Electric field is created only between un-neutralized and opposite charges. Or in other words, where there are unbalanced and opposite charges, an electric field is created between them. No electric field will be developed by the oscillation or motion of magnetic field. An unbalanced and opposite charges within a conductor or between two conductors cause the flow of charges through that conductor.
Say for example, Electric field lines hold nucleus and orbital electrons in an atom together. There is a electrostatic force between them. Electrons are in random motion in atoms and there is a change in magnitude of force that implies change in electric field. But is there any induction of magnetic field?
              For creating a magnetic field, motions of charged particles are not necessary. When the electrons are aligned in a single mode in a material, a magnetic field is created around that material. In permanent magnets and paramagnet materials, the outer orbital electrons of the atoms in the material are aligned for creating the magnetism. The alignment of free electrons creates magnetism in a current carrying conductor. For the alignment of electrons, motions of them are not necessary. For example, the magnetic field created by a permanent magnet, iron core inside of a solenoid or Paramagnetic materials are caused by the alignment of electrons and not by the motion of them.

2} Nuclear reactions and realising of energy:
              Without conducting any experiments and observing in the microscopic and macroscopic world, a prediction from Einstein is that ‘matter and energy are interchangeable’ and the mass that missed in a nuclear reaction is simply converted into pure energy.      
Matter and energy are two separate things and not interchangeable. The missing mass in a chemical or nuclear reaction is converted into space matter. The releasing of energy is due to the releasing, expansion or explosion of space matter.
Nuclear fission reaction: Uranium to Barium + Krypton.
When a neutron with the sufficient kinetic energy, bombards on a 235 Uranium nucleus, the nucleus splits into two daughter pieces with one 144 Barium nucleus and one 90 Krypton nucleus and generates lot of thermal energy. With a close look into an atomic nucleus, we can find that, the nuclear particles in a nucleus are arranged in such a way that to attain a physical equilibrium. We know that the binding force between nuclear particles in a nucleus is so great and this force keeps the nuclear particles together.
              When the Uranium nucleus is splits by a neutron, in the very moment of the splitting, the particles in the daughter pieces are in a unstable state. For achieving a physical equilibrium, the particle in the two pieces rearrange and make fresh bonding between them. We can see that, when a bonding occurs the particles will overlap each other. When the particles overlap, the individual volume of them will decrease but importantly, without increasing of their densities. At this stage, there is only one possibility that is the releasing of overlapped volume of particles to the outer world. Since the greater density of the nuclear particles, the released matter will explode and will become to the space matter. Since these explosions are take place in the regions where the particles are overlap each other, the particles will be with enormous kinetic energy. When these high energetic particles collide with the surrounding particles / nuclei, cause the generation of huge amount of thermal energy.
Collision between high-energy particles causes them to smash into still smaller particles and releasing of large amount of energy. In this cause, the energetic collisions result the expansion and explosion of matter that missed in the collision and converted into space matter.

3} Space matter or ether:
              In 1679 Christian Huygens gave a assumption that the ETHER pervades the entire universe and energy is carried by the waves caused by the vibrations of ether particles which possess high elasticity and low density.
Space matter, the fifth state of matter, is filled everywhere in the universe. All matter in the universe (in the ordinary world) is made of space matter. Bending of light when it pass through near massive object like a star, lensing effect in some regions in the galaxies are because of the refraction of light by denser space matter that present in these regions and are purely the demonstrations for the presence of space matter in the macro world. Lorentz-FitzGerald contraction {Increasing of mass of a fast moving body, change in shape of a body resulting from its motion} etc are also the evidence for space matter in space. Also, electric field lines and magnetic field lines are created by the alignment of space matter units.
              All form of energy (except gravitational potential energy) are released because of the explosion, expansion or releasing of space matter. For example, we see above that, the releasing of energy in a nuclear reaction is due to the rapid-huge increasing of volume of ordinary matter to space matter. Or in other words, the missing mass (mass defect) in a nuclear or chemical reaction is converted into space matter. Since ordinary matter is an extremely compressed state of space matter, when it released, they will explode violently and release energy .

4} The speed of LIGHT:
              The velocity of light in vacuum is given by 2.99792458 x 108ms-1. How we can say the exact value and its constancy?. The density of space matter is not constant all over the universe and there may be variation in its speed!. We know that 90% of the atom is empty. Then most of the light rays must travel with the velocity c. But according to the relation v=c/n where n is the refractive index of the material, v is the velocity of light in that medium and c is the velocity of light in vacuum. We find that there is decrease in the speed.
               Is there any other experiment to determine the speed of light other than Michelson’s rotating mirror experiment? Can we determine the speed by PHOTOELECTRIC FFECT???
I have an idea to determine the speed of light by photoelectric effect.
              Consider a light source and a metal which as the lowest work function. Let these two are separated by a distance of 100m. When the light ray is made to fall on the metal, photoelectrons are ejected from the surface of the metal. Let the time taken by light to cause photoelectric be ‘t’ second. Then the distance between the light source and the metal whole divided by the time taken gives the velocity of light.  i.e distance/time= velocity.

Science, Consciousness and Swami Vivekananda

Science, Consciousness and Swami Vivekananda

September 11, 1893, an unknown monk from India, Swami Vivekananda rose to the platform parliament of religions, Columbian Exposition, Chicago World Fair. The parliament bought for the first time in the history, the representatives of the world’s great religions gather in one place. Vivekananda became an undisputed hero of the parliament and hereby introduced for the first time in the history, the ancient knowledge of the Indian race to the modern world.
A disciple of an illiterate saint Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, he made it his life work to bring about the unification between the modern science and spirituality.Science is nothing but the finding of unity. As soon as science would reach perfect unity, it would stop from further progress, because it would reach the goal. Thus Chemistry could not progress farther when it would discover one element out of which all other could be made. Physics would stop when it would be able to fulfil its services in discovering a single energy of which all others are but manifestations.*1

 His teachings are based on the Vedanta philosophy. He defined the gist of Vedanta as follows, “Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest this divinity within, by controlling the nature internal and external. Do this either by work, or worship, or philosophy, or psychic control – by one or more or all of these- and be free. This is the whole of religion. Doctrines, or dogmas, or rituals, or books, or temples, or forms are but secondary details.*1
In modern language, the soul is called the self or inherent consciousness. Some quantum physicists interpreted this singular consciousness as the source of all creations.
Vivekananda had some startling teaching regarding consciousness that finds the highest expression in human being. In order to convincingly understand how consciousness manifests in man, one needs a closer look at the evolutionary process of our universe. Consciousness first got manifest with what cosmologist called the Big bang. It brought about the creation of quarks & anti quarks, protons & neutrons, nuclei of lighter elements and first atoms like H, He, Li. Gravitational force eventually helped to form the first stars after 30 billion years. What prompted the big bang in the first place? And where did it come from? What is the inherent energy with the elementary particles that undergo to evolve?

Swami Vivekananda speaks about that energy, by giving a simple example of a plant. We take the seed of a dried flower. We planted carefully. And soon, a small plant peeps out. It slowly grows, becoming a bigger and bigger, until finally it becomes a fully blooming flower. Then withers and dies, again a new seed. So it completes a cycle. This cyclic process of seed form, growth, reproduction & death and new seeds is uniform throughout the universe.
There is a cause giving rise to the effect and that in turn produces a new cause. He introduces two different concepts. In the first, he talks about evolution v/s involution. By involution, he means that what is to be evolved is in its primary seed stage involved. So the evolved universe already existed before the big bang in an involved state. Something is involved it evolves and again involves. This is a circular moment. This is happening in the universe, and has been through time immemorial. This is the whole history of man, the whole history of nature, the whole history of life. There is no beginning and end to this universe.
 The second concept connected to this is the entire creation is penetrated by the core substance, consciousness. The ever increasing urge to consciousness to express itself is what prompts evolution to takes place. Modern quantum physicists have gone beyond the boundaries of matter. Apparently even the elementary particles are not the finest stuff of the universe. If matter doesn’t exist, it means that in the strictest sense, no objects, no location exists. Thus leaves an s wondering, WHERE THE UNIVERSE IS? It has to be somewhere or upon something. According to physicists, the base upon which the universe lies is the consciousness.
The Vedas teach us that creation is without beginning or end. Science is said to have proved that the sum total of cosmic energy is always the same. Then, if there was a time when nothing existed, where was all this manifested energy? Some say it was in a potential form in God. In that case God is sometimes potential and sometimes kinetic, this would make Him mutable. Everything mutable is a compound, and every compound must undergo that change which is called destruction. So God would die, which is absurd. Therefore there never was a time when there was no creation.

These are the evolutionary stages as we know them. First big bang manifested into energy, second energy in to matter; third matter became life, fourth life evolved into self reflective consciousness, the capacity to think. In the next evolutionary phases, atoms combine to form molecules, molecules to simple cells like bacteria and algae, approximately 3.5 billion years ago. Cells combine to form complex cells like simple worms about 600 million years ago. After that complex cells combine to form tissues and organs and finally self conscious organisms like human beings, Dolphins and whales. The conditions necessary to enter new evolutionary stage is increasing complexity. It has three principle concepts, namely, increasing diversity, increasing organisation and increasing connectivity. For the first time in the course of evolution, consciousness was able to express itself consciously in man. *2

By introducing his views on cosmology & Vedanta, Vivekananda has redefined the meaning of Religion & Science. He gives mankind an ideal and a tool to control his own growth and liberation since freedom or mystical union is our true character. Attachment and constant awareness of absolute reality are like the wings of a bird that can fly from the grounds of mortality to the heights of immortality.

*1 complete works of Swami Vivekananda, Vol 1.
*2 The Descent of Man, by Charles Darwin.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

An unseen truth

           Let me take a hypothetical incident to make you understand clearly which I am going to say. Here is the mindset of modern students towards the highly organised education system. And remember, this is only a hypothetical example..!

           "I am a student who is doing my Masters (PG) but these 2 years, i feel I've made a mistake in coming here. In the past, I was a topper at school and my under graduation also was very good. But now, i am not able to shine as much as i did then. I do not have a great GPA. When my friends talk about their GPAs, i dont even open my mouth. i just keep quiet. I feel inferior inside. But i keep telling myself that I have other talents that they don't. But i also realize that what matters is my academics. I also want to do an internship and end up in a good job, have a good resume like my other friends. But i feel i am not even qualified inside to do all this. I feel my self respect has taken a great blow. My only aim in life right now is to study well, do my thesis and end up in a good job...I am afraid if this will not happen. I am very confused."

              Well,  there are so many answers to the above questions which is impossible to give it all here. Here is the short form of it. But before you read it, buckle your seat belt and prepare for some brutal honesty. Because what I am about to tell you might go completely against what you "want to" hear from me.

              First off, you are correct that you do have many other qualities that your classmates don't have. In the same way, they have many qualities you don't have. However, the problem with our socio-economic programming is that, we are brainwashed to believe that only doing good in a standardized test is the most important quality to possess. Which is simply rubbish! Why is it rubbish? For many reasons!

              If you do a little bit of your research on the great academic, business, artistic, political geniuses of the world, you will see that many of the most famous ones never did so well in school, many of them never even made it to college, and yet others were thrown out of it because they were such a misfit. So as it appears, having great grades is in no way a sign that you are a genius. Look into the lives of Einstein (high school dropout), Thomas A. Edison (one of the most famous inventors who apparently had less than 3 months of schooling), Henry Ford (no formal education at all), Bill Gates (college dropout), Sylvester Stallone (the man once sold his dog because they had no food to eat), Steve Jobs (college dropout), Michael Dell, Larry Ellison (Billionaire CEO of Oracle Corp)... etc etc.

Okay, lets leave the genius people for a moment, how about the common folk? Well believe it or not, the people who are going to graduate from the top of your class are NOT going to be the most successful people in life at all!. They will probably get nicer job offers in the beginning but that's where it ends.

              Secondly, this whole attitude of "i want to get good grades and get a nice job" is the perfect formula for selling your entire life making someone else rich! Ask yourself is this what you really really want? Do you really want to live a life where you will be told when to wake up, when to work, when to go home, when to take a vacation, when to have lunch? Is this what you really want?

              Remember, your life is a gift. You are carrying something very unique that none of us have. Something, when you will decide to give or live it, will transform your entire life into an adventure most can only dream about! And when you try to go against that, when you try to sell yourself short, life will always be a drag! It will always feel like a constant struggle! Remember that.

              So what is your gift? I don't know. But if you want to find out, start with the question: "What makes me really really happy?" And follow that. The answer will contain all the guidance that you need. Remember, having good grades and going to a good college or even getting a good job may bring some level of success in your life, but that success and happiness will be very temporary and empty if you are not aligned to your true purpose of life. Look around and see millions upon millions of "white collar slaves" all around the world who have followed this exact same formula only to become a deeply unhappy person complaining all the time with the classic phrase: "Life is Hard!" No wonder life is hard for them, they made it that way. And if you are fooling yourself by saying "yeah but I'll be happy", well then good luck my friend. 

             Remember, you were not sent in this world to be a "drone bee". You are part of God! You are a creator yourself. Start to realize that even if it's terribly difficult to believe right now. The universe is perfectly designed to assist you in achieving EVERYTHING you want only if you know how to go "with the stream" and not against it.

Thank you,

Friday, 3 May 2013

Feel From The Heart

Feel From The Heart

 “When there is a conflict between the brain and the heart, let the heart to be followed”.                                                                                                                – Swami   Vivekananda.              
Chapter 1 :PREFACE

None of the knowledge is mine. What I have learnt is from others. You will find such similar ideas in many books. But I wanted a book that is precise, simple to understand, makes sense and is freely available to anyone. A straight to the point book. This is the effort of many days, boiled, purified and refined to the very basic principles. But I would like to thank the greatest teacher of all ; my Electronics teacher Mr. Pavan Kumar who has had a significant influence on me.
Basically I am interested to tell you ‘THE CONCEPTS’ which develops character and in turn build personality.. Actually character is the set of qualities that make somebody or something distinctive; especially somebody’s qualities of mind and feeling; qualities that makes somebody or something interesting or attractive..
Now coming to the personality; Personality can be defined as a dynamic and organised set of characteristics possessed by a person that uniquely influence his/her cognitions, motivations and behaviours in various situations.
Its just a guideline to be understood and followed. Some things might not make sense immediately or the interpretation of this might be different but the basic principles remain the same no matter what. What I am about to present here to you is extremely difficult and cannot be done within a day or a month...

What lies at the end of this journey will become more clear as you  progress down this path.

I hope you make good use of this knowledge and distribute it to others in need. This is going to be a journey within yourself, so I wish good luck.. I wish you great success in the exploration and discovery. May you banish negative experiences and bring you balance and expanded experience of life.......

Chapter 2 : WORK

“Work without attachment.”
                               -Bhagavad Gita

Do not seek or ask for the fruits of your effort. Work as it it is your duty to do it. Ask yourself everyday " If I didnt get paid to do this, will I still be doing this ?"
Do what you must. Do not seek what you can get out of it, rather how much can you give. It is in giving that one receives peace. Do not try to control, or to win or to horde. Do it because you really really want to do it.

Gauthama Buddha desricbe this concept very logically. He says, when a person is attached to the results of the work that he is going to do or he has already done; there will be two possible ways. Firslty, if he gets success, he will become much more greeder and desireful and seeks more and more success; secondly if he doesn't get success, then he will be trapped by the ocean of sorrows and his mind will be filled by unhappyness. So to keep the mind in the stady and constant condition, one must work without attachement to the results of his/ her work.

A man who seeks the fruits of his effort is forever caught in the trap of
delusion, wanting and desires.
A man should not care who gets the credits for it.
A man should not care what money he will get for it in return.
A man should not care what he gains out of it.

A man who gives up his own personal desires and thinks about the greater good, will always enjoy his work. A man must work for the benefit of others and the society. He must use his skills for betterment of the society rather than to just serve himself. Everyone born in this world, have been given a specific purpose. It is a man's duty to find that out and complete it in the best possible way.He has also been given skills that will assist him the completion of his duty. By getting caught in the trap of desires he forgets his real duties.

It is far better to fail in your own duty, than to do others duty.

"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking and don't settle. As with all matters of heart, you'll know when you find it".

Chapter 3 : DESIRE

“Desire is the root cause of man's suffering.”
                                                           - Buddha

When a desire arises, a man becomes attached to it. If he gets it, he feels happy, then he wants more. If he does not get it, he feels sad and blames others for it. Its a endless cycle.
     Once a man has a high paying job, he wants a bigger house, then a car, then good clothes, then new furniture to match the status of his life, then more money is needed, then he wants to join club houses, then he wants another house, then some more money, then more...the never ending cycle. Once a man gets trapped in the cycle of desires and wanting then is no peace for him. He looses his sleep and patience, running after one thing or another all his life. 
A man who is free of all personal desires and wants is a happy man.

    Accumulation of money does no good. Neither does success or winning has any real meaning. Do not look at the possession of others.

    A man who works for the betterment of society, rather than his own
success is far superior and intelligent. Getting good grades in college and using the knowledge for ones own
desire and achievements is disaster. Knowledge which does nor... bring peace and happiness to self and others is not worth keeping.

“Strive not to be a man of success, rather strive to be a man of value.”
                                                                                          -Albert Einstein
       Knowing that success and failure is just a state of mind, one should always keep his mind steady fast in both. Neither getting happy when successful, nor becoming sad in failure a man must not concern himself with such delusions of nature. Attachment to worldly objects (houses, cars, phones, clothes, looks, fame, fortune, money, prestige, society, etc) will lead to suffering.

       A man should forget the very concept of possession and ownership. A man cannot own anything in this world for ever. When he dies he has to leave everything behind.  If you start spending time & money for the things that you don't need; then later you have to sacrifice the things that you need. So one should not spend his life in the useless pursuit of acquiring things that he does not need but rather should think of what service can he render for humanity that will serve everyone.

Life is like a dark jungle and here are the enemies of a man that he is going to meet in his journey which he must conquer on his own.
There are more, its not possible to list all of them here, but I have listed the major ones, the first three being the biggest enemies of all. Where even one of the above enemy is present, others are bound to be found. There are extremely difficult to locate and remove since they are hidden within the man himself. They are like termites that eat up a man from inside. It takes a man away from his true duties and leads him to a false materialistic life which always ends up in disaster. A mind filled with such impurities is always agitated. 
Every man must cross this dark jungle of life on his own. No one can help him in this process. A man must take a through note of himself at end of every month to see which one of these enemies is still present. Below is a rough description of each one of them to assist him in this process.

Greed Greed is the selfish desire for or pursuit of money, wealth, power, food, or other possessions, especially when this denies the same goods to others.
An excessive desire to acquire or possess more than what one needs or deserves, especially with respect to material wealth.
A selfish and excessive desire for more of something (as money) than is needed.

Anger is an emotional state that may range from minor irritation to intense rage.

Lust is any intense desire or craving for gratification and excitement.
Intense or unrestrained sexual craving.
To have an intense or obsessive desire, especially one that is sexual.

The tendency to speak or write of oneself excessively and boastfully.
An inflated or exaggerated sense of one's own importance.
The practice of thought, speech, and conduct expressing high selfregard or selfexaltation,
usually without skepticism or humility.
The practice of talking about oneself too much.
Egotism is the motivation to maintain and enhance favorable views of self. Egotism means placing oneself at the center of one's world with no direct concern for others.

An untrue statement; a lie.
The practice of lying.
Absence of truth or accuracy.

Deception is the act of convincing another to believe information that is not true, or not the whole truth as in certain types of halftruths.
Deception involves concepts like propaganda, distraction and/or concealment.
Tricking others for own personal gain.

To present false information with the intention of deceiving.
To convey a false image or impression.

Stealing or Theft
Theft is the illegal taking of another person's property without that person's freelygiven consent.

Lack of honesty or integrity.
As the act or to act without honesty; a lack of probity, to cheat, lying or being deliberately deceptive; lacking in integrity; to be knavish, perfidious, corrupt or treacherous; charlatanism or quackery.

To deceive by trickery; swindle.
To deprive by trickery; defraud.
To mislead; fool.
To act dishonestly; practice fraud.
To violate rules deliberately.
Cheating is an act of lying, deception, fraud, trickery, imposture, or imposition. Cheating characteristically is employed to create an unfair advantage, usually in one's own interest, and often at the expense of others. Cheating implies the breaking of rules.

Something, such as a cruel act or remark, that causes pain or suffering.
Cruelty can be described as indifference to suffering, and even positive pleasure in inflicting it.

Killing To kill, killing or to have killed means to cause the death of a living organism.
To deprive one of life.

Pride is a lofty view of one's self or one's own.
Inordinate selfesteem.
Delight or elation arising from some act, possession, or

An attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumptions.
Excessive pride.

A favorable and especially unduly high opinion of one's own abilities or worth.

An attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumptions.
Excessive pride.

Excessive or inflated pride in one's appearance or accomplishments.
Excessive belief in one's own abilities or attractiveness to others.
Seeking admiration for ones looks or achievements

Jealousy typically refers to the thoughts, feelings, and behaviours that occur when a person believes a valued relationship is being threatened by a rival. This rival may or may not know that he or she is perceived as a threat.
Intolerant of rivalry or unfaithfulness.
Disposed to suspect rivalry or unfaithfulness.
Hostile toward a rival or one believed to enjoy an advantage.

A feeling of discontent and resentment aroused by and in conjunction with desire for the possessions or qualities of another.
Painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another joined with a desire to possess the same advantage.
Envy may be defined as an emotion that "occurs when a person lacks another's superior quality, achievement, or possession and either desires it or wishes that the other lacked it."

Aversion to work or exertion; laziness; indolence.
Disinclination to action or labor.

Restless or short of temper especially under irritation, delay, or opposition.
Eagerly desirous.

Concerned chiefly or only with oneself.
Seeking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or wellbeing without regard for others.
Selfishness denotes the precedence given in thought or deed to the self, i.e., self interest or self concern. It is the act of placing one's own needs or desires above the needs or desires of others.
 • Arising from concern with one's own welfare or advantage in disregard of others.

The act of taking vengeance for injuries or wrongs; retaliation.
To inflict punishment in return for injury or insult.
Revenge (also vengeance, retribution, or vendetta amongst others) consists primarily of retaliation against a person or group in response to a real or perceived wrongdoing.

Hatred or hate is a word that describes intense feelings of dislike. It can be used in a wide variety of contexts, from hatred of inanimate objects to hatred of other people.

Described as inordinate and uncontrolled feelings of hatred and anger.

Overindulgence and overconsumption of food, drink, or intoxicants to the point of waste.
Excess in eating or drinking.
Greedy or excessive indulgence.

Idleness means the act of doing nothing or no work.
A person who spends his days doing nothing of relative importance.

Exaggerated not wanting to be separated from someone or something.
Attachment to people, places, things, wealth, status, etc.

“Once you start down the dark path, forever it will dominate your destiny, consume you it will..."             - Yoda (Star Wars)

Chapter 5 : OTHERS

A man does not want anything.
The only reason he wants something is because others are having it.

He is always engaged in comparison with others.
I have so much money, that person has so much more.
I look like this, that person is better looking than me.
I have few friends, that person is so lucky since he has more wealthy and influential friends.
I have a smaller houses, that person has a bigger and a better house.
I have such clothes, that person is better dressed than me.
I am not educated or intelligent like others, that person is better educated and intelligent than me.
My father is poor, that person's father is more famous and rich.
That other person is so much smarter than me.
That other person is so much better than me.
That other person has so many friends.
That other person has something that I dont have...

And so on and on it goes forever. Never satisfied with what he has, a man sees others having more than him, he wants more and more. This he keeps doing everyday. In the reality he does not want a bigger house, cars, etc but since someone else has it, he too wants to have it. This leads to greed, jealousy and envy. Although he says nice words to others, but in his heart he does not like others who are better than him. He only feels better when he is at the top. No one else is above him in any way. As soon as someone has 0.001% more than he has he does not like it. This leads to competition and a race to win.

He who is content with himself is at peace.

Chapter 6 : SENSE ORGANS

There are 5 sense organs :
Sight (eyes)
Touch (skin)
Hearing (ears)
Taste (tongue)
Smell (nose)

A man must learn to control the sense organs. He must make himself the master of his senses and be able to control them at will. Below are few examples that show how a man's sense organs go out of control :

If a man see something pleasurable, then a desire to own it arises.
If a man smells something delicious, his mouth starts watering and a desire to eat it arises.
If a man taste a delicious dish, he wants more again and again.
If a man hears a nice melody, he feels better for some time.
If a man comes in contact with a pleasurable item, he wants more of it.

Sense organs blind a man to reality. A man becomes a slave to his senses. Senses are very strong and hard to control. They are like wild horses running after one thing or another. A man must be able to withdraw from his sense organs like a tortoise
withdraws in his shell. He must be self restrain in food, speech, spending, sleep and all other
forms of sense enjoyments. 
Taking only what he must, and giving back all he can. A stead and resolute determination is required.


Brain of man is just a tool that is provided for survival and creation.

But a man uses his brain to :
Making plans to fulfill his selfish desires
Find loopholes in the system for his own exploitation and gains
Planning and doing all the wrong acts
Making plans of harming others
Making plans of destruction

A man must understand that the brain is just a part of body. It is the control center of all bodily functions and thought. It is not meant for making plans for exploitation of others, neither for self enjoyment nor for ones self serving purposes. "A knife can be used by a robber to kill a person and the same knife can be used by a doctor to save a person's life."
This is the same thing that applies for a man's brain. Either a man can use it to do wrong, or right with it.  

Doing the right thing with it is the right and proper use of it. Always ask these questions :
 • "Whether what I am about to do is going to help others ?"
"Whether what I am about to do is the right thing to do ?"

Doing the right things will bring a man peace and happiness and doing wrong will agitate him and others. This will lead to all sort of diseases and problems later in his life. A man must be very careful of what he thinks, says, hears, sees and does. Everything will leave a impression on him.

“What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.” Albert Pike

Chapter 8 : CONSCIENCE
A man must always follow his own conscience, his inner voice.
Whenever a man is going towards wrong, his conscience will always stop him. But a man refuses to listen to it, thinking that he is more smarter.
A man's conscience is never wrong. It always shows the right path. A man must always do whatever agrees with his own conscience, judgment and common sense. Blindly following others will lead a man into a wrong path. A man must learn to be patient and trust his conscience.

A man must make his conscience his moral compass to navigate him through life. A man can escape his punishment from the courts of law using his money and power, but his conscience never forgives a wrong deed done. His own inner voice will keep hurting him for all the wrong that he has done.

When there is righteousness in the heart, then there is a beauty in the character;
When there is a beauty in the character, then there is harmony in the home;
When there is harmony in the home, then there is an order in the nation;
And when there is an order in the nation, then there will be peace in the world.
          _ By a tamilian classical poet, who said 3000 years back.

“The only tyrant I accept in this world is the 'still small voice' within” Mahatma Gandhi

“There is no pillow so soft as a clear conscience” French proverb

Chapter 9 : LEARNING
Only a learned man is able to help the society in a better way.
A man must devote some time everyday to learning.
Any waste of time is very harmful. A man should not be totally dependent on others to teach him something. He must take a personal responsibility towards learning. The more a man knows, the better way he will be able to serve the society. Do not learn just to earn money, or to gain success and fame. Such selfish learning is of no use.

“Anyone who stop learning is old, whether at twenty or at eighty” Henry Ford.

A man should be unmoved in criticism or praise
Neither should he be concern with victory, nor with defeat
Neither hate nor love sways his mind
Neither does he gets dictated by emotions
Neither does he seek pleasure, nor avoids discomforts
Neither does he get angry, nor feels sad
Neither greed of money nor power can change his way
Neither does he become a slave, nor does he enslave anyone
Looks at a piece of gold and a rock with an equal eye Never makes enemy of his fellow beings, nor makes fun of others Corrects his own mistakes first, rather than looking at the mistakes of others Treats others with courtesy and respect, rich or poor Does what is right Lives for betterment of society and others Free of all attachments and desire a happy man...

Chapter 11 : THE END

This is a very short and precise guide. I have tried to keep it as simple as possible so that anyone can understand it. Do not believe in what others say or do, or what is written in books. Always use your own commonsense above everything else. Know this to be the greatest wisdom of all. This letter is not yet finished...more refinement is needed which I hope to do it in coming days if my brain works.....

“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone Else's life. Don't be trapped by the dogma, which is living with the results of other people's thinking's. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. Because they somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
               - Steve Jobs  { Co-founder,  Apple Inc.}
                                                                                                   Shylesh D P